Cracking Interview

Most Common reasons for failure in interviews

  • Can’t speak in a job interview (No interviewer knows everything)
  • Nervousness during an interview (Interviewer is also a human being just like you)
  • Fear in an Interview (All questions are from your resume only so indirectly you have control over questions)
  • Interview Anxiety (No rocket science, give your best)

I would like to share you a step by step approach to bringing out all your confidence and control how you present yourself during an interview

Job Description:

This is very important because you get the details like company’s expectations from you, areas of expertise they are looking for, figure out which areas the JD is stressing on, which are mandatory skills and which are options skills, check how much comfortable you are with that role.

This is something like an announcement, “hello world we need a person with these qualities“, or searching for a lost person, someone Help!!!

Updated Resume:

Here you need to assess Self skill set towards JD, example; are there any modifications required to your current resume? if yes modify as per JD, add missing skills , and remove unnesary points. Remember resume should match JD atleast 60% so that your resume get short listed for the first round of interview. Updating resume as per JD will increase the chances of picking up your profile, this will make recruiters to contact to you.

Resume Transcript:

Prepare short notes document, this going to be a separate document with all possible questions, previous interview questions and answers, your introduction (script for engaging interviewer), history of your experience- in sequence , expertise , ending with final note- why you feel your suitable for that role and what is so exiting about the role. This will be your additional document and purely a background work. Would be good if you cover right from greetings till closure note. Don’t share with recruiter LOL.   


Maintain sync with interviewer, for example if interviewer talking quickly respond quickly, if slowly speaks you speak slowly,  figure out his current mental condition, eg; is he in hurry or settled/calm! if hurry try to engage with mentioning  strong points in JD, what are the key areas he is trying to focusing on,  observe their  body language sync your body language with interviewer, this way you can build a positive impression.

You need to present yourself in shorter time (30 Mins to 1 Hr), which is advantage to candidate only, because interviewer cannot cover your entire experience in 30 or 60 mins and they have limited scope of asking questions ie from your resume. Take this as an advantage, go ahead with confidence so that you will gain complete control over interview.


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